STNA Jobs in Parma, Ohio

You can make up to $36 an hour as a State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) in Mayfield Heights, OH and also have the final say on when you work. That's right, at IntelyCare you control your schedule, choosing any shi...
2w ago
Get paid up to $36 an hour as a State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) in the Twinsburg, OH area working in a job with a flexible schedule that you control. With IntelyCare you can use our mobile-friendly app to pick...
1w ago
Earn up to $36 an hour as a State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) in Shaker Heights, Ohio, and throughout the Cleveland area — and still have the flexibility to pursue your personal goals and responsibilities. At In...
2w ago
Make an hourly wage of up to $36 as a State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) in Lyndhurst, Ohio, and surround areas, while still having the time to have a full life outside of scrubs with a work schedule that you con...
2m ago