Nursing Jobs in Granville, Pennsylvania

Make an hourly wage of up to $76 as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in and around the borough of Lewistown, Pennsylvania, with the work-life balance that comes from a completely flexible schedule. At IntelyCare, ou...

Earn as much as high as $76 an hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Mifflintown, PA (and nearby areas), with the security of W2 employment and a completely flexible work schedule. By flexible, we mean that yo...

Make an hourly wage of up to $40 as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in and around the borough of Lewistown, Pennsylvania, with the work-life balance that comes from a completely flexible schedule. At IntelyCare,...

Achieve real work-life balance with flexible schedules and earn up to $40 per hour as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in State College, Pennsylvania, and throughout the vicinity. In addition to the security and...

Achieve real work-life balance with flexible schedules and earn up to $73 per hour as a Registered Nurse (RN) in State College, Pennsylvania, and throughout the vicinity. In addition to the security and support of W...

Achieve real work-life balance with flexible schedules and earn up to $76 per hour as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in State College, Pennsylvania, and throughout the vicinity. In addition to the security and sup...

Looking for qualified Restorative Nursing Aides to join our team at the Locust Grove Retirement Village!
Come Join Our Team!!
We are searching for a Restorative Nursing Aide to join our community...

Paradigm is an accountable specialty care management organization focused on improving the lives of people with complex injuries and diagnoses. The company has been a pioneer in value-based care s...

Job Details
Job Location : Huntingdon, PA - Huntingdon, PA
Position Type : Part Time