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Earn up to $48 an hour as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in Hampton, NH (and the nearby areas), with a completely flexible schedule that you control. By flexible we mean that you get to pick your own shifts at a...
Earn a wage of up to $48 per hour working as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in Newmarket, NH (and the wider Portsmouth region), as a W2 employee with the freedom to work when, where, and however often you like....
Earn an hourly wage of up to $48 as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in Durham and nearby areas, with the flexibility to live your life as you see fit. At IntelyCare, founded by nurses for nurses, we value a healt...
You can earn an hourly wage of up to $48 as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in and around Rye, New Hampshire, with truly flexible schedules and the security of W2 employment. At IntelyCare, we strongly support a...
Ready to work as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in Exeter and nearby areas, earning as much as $48 per hour, while having the freedom to choose your own hours? How about eligibility for healthcare benefits, 401k...
Earn as much as $48 an hour as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in Madbury, NH (and the wider region), with a fully-flexible schedule and the benefits of W2 employment. Our nurse-founded company was created to fin...
Make as much as $48 per hour working as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in Newington, NH (and the wider region), with a completely flexible schedule that you control. At IntelyCare, we hire all of our nursing pro...
Make an hourly wage of up to $48 as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in Kingston, NH (and nearby areas), as a W2 employee with the freedom to work when, where, and however often you want. With our all-in-one app y...
Earn as much as $48 per hour as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in Fremont, NH (and areas nearby) as a W2 employee with complete control over your work schedule. At IntelyCare, that means you get to pick your own...
Earn up to $48 an hour as a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in Deerfield, NH (and the nearby area), with a completely flexible schedule that's under your control. As a nurse-founded company we understand the burden...