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Job Description: Introduction At Lutheran Senior Services, team members at all levels find their calling in our mission of Older Adults Living Life to the Fullest . In this work environment, all team members...

PRN Day & Night Shifts: 12 hour Shifts Who Are We: Friendship Village, a premier Life Plan Community located in St. Louis, is always looking for qualified individuals to join our team. Great working condi...
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Certified Medication Aide is under the direct supervision of the charge nurse. The charge nurse will follow up with the CMA to ensure the med pass is...
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Overview Benedictine, where your potential can thrive…come join us. The Certified Medication Technician (CMT) is responsible for providing compassionate and empathetic resident care while performing medication adminis...

Interested in earning as much as $39 per hour as a Certified Medication Technician (CMT) in the Chesterfield area? How about the flexibility to choose your own shifts and facilities with the peace of mind and security...

Earn up to $39 per hour as a CMT in Kirkwood and surrounding areas, without sacrificing your personal life or going without important benefits. If it sounds too good to be true, just consider the value that happy, hea...

Earn up to $39 an hour as a Certified Medication Technician (CMT) in Ellisville, West County, and other parts of St. Louis County. At IntelyCare, we know that offering real flexibility and support not only helps us...

Make as much as $39 an hour as a Certified Medication Technician (CMT) in St. Peters and throughout St. Louis County without sacrificing your other responsibilities or interests. Working as a nursing professional is...

You can make up to $39 an hour as a Certified Medication Technician (CMT) in University City, St. Louis, and surrounding areas — with a real work-life balance that allows you to handle your personal business and sti...