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Top-tier education
for top-tier nursing


With on-demand, accredited nursing continuing education courses and certifications, you can level up with IntelyEdu and reach your full nursing potential.

Elevate your nursing
with IntelyEdu

IntelyEdu courses are crafted by a team of experienced nurses who have backgrounds in education. Our courses are carefully designed to keep you engaged and leave you with actionable information that can be immediately applied the next time you hit the floor.

Get Started

Deliver a high
standard of care

Elevate patient outcomes with IntelyEdu's learner-centric, accredited courses, empowering you to provide superior care with confidence.

Level up your career
to learn more

Unlock new job opportunities and higher pay with IntelyEdu's convenient, cost-effective education, built to position you for career success.

Protect your

Safeguard your practice and stay relevant with IntelyEdu's expert-led courses designed to keep your license and your professional status intact.

Learn at your
own pace

Cost-effective and available on-demand, our educational offerings and affiliate programs are timely, relevant, easily accessible, and structured to fit your life.

Over 100 CE course hours

  • IntelyEdu includes a diverse library of 100+ CE course hours purpose-built to help you excel in your role today and elevate your career for tomorrow.
  • Our courses are available on-demand and are free for IntelyPros.

Certificate programs

  • IntelyEdu includes a variety of in-depth programs that are designed to certify learners in the most essential nursing practices.
  • Crafted by our team of expert nurse educators, our certificate-based education will help you stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing healthcare world.

Post-Accute Care Competency Training (PACCT) For Nurses


Medication Management Update For 2023


Nursing Documentation Practices


Shift Change Safety: Reviewing SBAR Webinar


Communication Training: Best Practices


Free access for IntelyPros

Are you an IntelyPro? IntelyCare’s nurses and aides get free access to IntelyEdu courses as well as exclusive access to tuition discounts at leading nursing schools, scholarships, and special events

Learn More

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