Top 9 Nurse Accessories for Work

Nursing requires many tools of the trade. Some are only for specific situations, while other nursing accessories will become your best friends. Which ones should you always keep on hand? Below is a list of both well-known nurse accessories and lesser-known nursing gear must-haves for you to consider on the job.
Top Nursing Accessories
- Stethoscope
- Scissors
- Penlight
- Watch
- Nursing bag
- Compression socks
- Small accessory bag
- Water bottle
- Multi-colored pen
5 Common Nurse Accessories for Work
First, let’s describe the nurse accessories for work you’ll find on most lists. It’s only a matter of time before you use these items during your shift.
1. Stethoscope
It’s not customary for facilities to provide stethoscopes, so make sure you bring your own. This is a no-brainer. How else will you hear heart and lung sounds? Check out our favorite stethoscopes for nurses.
2. Scissors
You’d think scissors would be abundant in healthcare facilities considering all the bandages and medical tape nurses must work with. In reality, quality medical scissors can be hard to come by. Having your own will save you much needed time and energy, especially when you’re under pressure.
Check out our medical scissors guide to find a pair that works for you.
3. Pen Light
Although a flashlight can be found on your smartphone, some facilities don’t want staff using their phones on the job. Plus, you don’t want to risk something you use so often coming into contact with bodily fluids or other undesirable substances. Using a pen light can be a great way to avoid these potential problems.
4. Watch
It’s essential that nurses know the time. As with flashlights, watches can also be accessed on your smartphone. But using an actual watch can be an easier option because it’s right on your wrist. You don’t have to fumble through your pockets to find a phone, and the information displayed on a nurse watch is easily visible. On top of that, you won’t have to worry about the screen going dark from inactivity. Check out our favorite watches for nurses.
5. Nursing Bag
You wear scrubs to work instead of regular clothing, so why not carry a separate nurse bag? As with the pen light and watch, you might not feel the need to set aside specific items for work, but it could be useful. Cleanliness is a great reason — it’s wise to separate your nursing accessories that have been exposed to germy environments from those you use personally.
Another reason is that having a nurse bag can help cultivate a healthy work-life balance. Keeping work and downtime accessories physically separate may help you do the same mentally. Plus, you can rest assured knowing your medical equipment is in one place instead of accidentally forgetting something at home. Check out our favorite nurse bags.
4 Lesser-Known Nurse Accessories
You’ve likely seen these personalized nursing accessories before, but they’re often not given the same attention as the items listed above. Here’s why you should consider them:
6. Compression Socks
There’s a good chance you’ve already heard this old healthcare adage: prevention is the best medicine. Nurses are at an increased risk of varicose veins and leg soreness due to long hours of sitting or standing. Maybe you could avoid this due to fortunate genetics, but it can’t hurt to avoid those complications altogether by wearing compression socks. Check out our favorite compression socks for nurses.
7. Small Accessory Bag
An accessory bag isn’t the same as the nurse bags described above. It’s helpful to have a small bag that could fit in your pocket or medication cart. This way, you can find pens, scissors, tape and other handy items quickly. Anything that saves time and energy at work is worth a nurse’s consideration.
8. Water Bottle
Save yourself trouble by buying a designated work water bottle as a way to practice self-care on the job. Kidney stones and other complications stemming from dehydration are no fun. Plus, dehydration is associated with a decrease in some cognitive functions. Staying hydrated keeps you alert and well. You provide so much compassion to others, so you deserve to do the same for yourself.
9. Multicolored Pen
Carrying a multicolored pen is helpful for two reasons: you can easily identify it as yours, and it can help you stay organized. The ability to do both will definitely help you throughout your shift.
Let’s be honest, coworkers often don’t return pens they’ve “borrowed.” It’s not always on purpose, but it can still be a pain when your stock runs out. The fact that work pens tend to look similar doesn’t help. Multicolored pens are more noticeable; therefore, you might have a higher chance of getting it back because it’ll be harder for coworkers to forget about it.
Also, as a nurse you’re responsible for retaining a lot of facts. Do yourself a favor by making it easier to parse through them. You can use one of these pens to color code notes about different patients, important information, passwords, and more.
Which Nurse Accessories Are Right for You?
No matter how many lists you read through, what you’ll need for work will be unique to you. Gather the tools that work for you, then find the job that works best for you and your career on IntelyCare.