How to Become an RN in Oklahoma: 5 Steps

Professional woman smiling while outdoors
Written by Marie Hasty, BSN, RN Content Writer, IntelyCare
A nurse poses for a photo while discussing how to become an RN in Oklahoma.

Looking for a stable career with great growth potential? If you want to learn how to become an RN in Oklahoma, the process is similar to other states, with some key differences in the application and licensure process. And once you’re a nurse, you could work in acute care, research, community health, and much more.

Oklahoma needs nurses to keep residents healthy, yet the state ranks 46th in the nation for nurses per capita. Learning how to become a registered nurse in Oklahoma could help you serve your state. Let’s dive into what RNs do in the Sooner State and how to become a registered nurse in Oklahoma.

What Does an RN in Oklahoma Do?

Nurses work in a range of settings to help promote health. One of the benefits of becoming an RN is that the role can look very different depending on where you work, and you can tailor your career to your strengths.

For example, if you prefer a fast-paced setting, working in the emergency room (ER) might be a good fit. On the other hand, if you’d like to build long-term patient relationships, community health nursing or home health could help you reach those goals.

Check out these other nursing specialties you could pursue if you complete the steps of how to become an RN in Oklahoma:

How Long Does It Take to Become an RN in Oklahoma?

The time it takes to learn how to become an RN in Oklahoma depends on the degree and educational pathway you choose, but generally, the process takes at least two years if you don’t have a prior degree. There are two prelicensure degree options:

  • Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN): This is a 2-year degree offered by community and technical colleges.
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN): This is a 4-year degree offered by colleges and universities. It’s estimated that 80% of employers show a strong preference for the BSN, and 43% require it for new grads. Nursing leadership organizations are calling for the BSN to be the gold-standard nursing degree, so it may be a better choice if you plan to go into leadership, research, or specialty areas.

Below we’ve listed some well-regarded nursing programs in the state, offering BSN and ADN degree options:

BSN programs in Oklahoma:

  • Oklahoma Wesleyan University – Bartlesville
  • University of Oklahoma – Tulsa
  • University of Central Oklahoma
  • Oral Roberts University
  • University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center – Oklahoma City

ADN programs in Oklahoma:

  • Carl Albert State College
  • Eastern Oklahoma State College – Idabel
  • Oklahoma City Community College
  • Eastern Oklahoma State College – Wilburton
  • East Central University – Ada

What Is the Fastest RN Program in Oklahoma?

If quick entry into the field is your priority, look up accelerated and direct-entry programs in your area. Direct-entry nursing programs use the credits from your previous bachelor degree to shorten the path to graduation. Another fast option is an accelerated program, which can help you earn a BSN and even an advanced practice degree in less time.

How Much Is RN School in Oklahoma?

Educational costs are hard to estimate because tuition rates frequently change. Generally, an ADN is a more affordable option because credits cost less and you’ll take fewer classes. For example, a class credit from Oklahoma City Community College is around $87. Compare that to the University of Oklahoma, where credits are about $137 per hour. BSN students also take additional classes in leadership and research, so those additional credit hours add up.

How to Become an RN in Oklahoma: 5 Steps

Step 1: Complete Nursing School

First up, earn a nursing degree. Regardless of the degree pathway you choose, your nursing coursework will cover essential subjects such as the following:

  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Pharmacology
  • Nursing fundamentals
  • Pathophysiology
  • Maternal and newborn care
  • Mental health nursing

Some students choose to work as certified nursing assistants (CNAs) while in school to gain experience in patient care before becoming an RN. Find CNA jobs in Oklahoma.

Step 2: Apply for a License by Exam

The Oklahoma Board of Nursing (OBN) oversees RN licensing in the state. To apply, you’ll need to create an account on the Oklahoma Nurse Portal and determine whether you want to apply for a single-state or compact license. A compact license requires a few additional items, but it might be worth it if you want to practice in other states like Texas, Arkansas, and Kansas.

On the other hand, if you’re submitting a single-state application, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Verification of citizen status
  • Proof of graduation from an approved prelicensure program
  • Criminal background check
  • $85 application fee

Once your OK application is complete, you’ll need to register to take the NCLEX-RN with Pearson VUE. Find your nursing school from the dropdown menu, submit additional materials, and pay a $200 fee. Once your application is approved, you’ll receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) and can schedule your exam.

Step 3: Pass the NCLEX-RN

This is the final step in the licensure process of how to become an RN in Oklahoma. The NCLEX-RN is the national exam that assesses new graduate nurses’ readiness to practice nursing. It’s between 75 and 145 questions, and you’ll have five hours to take it. Remember to dress in comfortable clothes, arrive early on test day, and bring an acceptable ID so you can enter the exam.

What does the NCLEX cover? Here are the four content areas to know about:

  • Safe and effective care environment
  • Health promotion and maintenance
  • Psychosocial integrity
  • Physiological integrity

If you’re not sure how to study, check out our NCLEX study resources. Your school may offer an additional prep course after graduation to help you review test-specific material. Some students also purchase online NCLEX prep programs, which contain practice questions and exams.

Once you take the exam, you’ll receive a report within two days that tells you whether or not you passed. But what if you fail the NCLEX in Oklahoma? You’ll need to submit a separate Rewrite the Licensure Exam application and pay an additional fee to the board and Pearson VUE. You can retake the exam 45 days after your first testing date, up to eight times a year.

When you pass the NCLEX, check Oklahoma’s Licensure Verification Portal to see your new nursing license go live.

Step 4: Start Your Job Hunt

Ready to start looking for RN jobs in Oklahoma? If you’re interested in a hospital-based specialty, consider a new grad residency program, where you’ll be put into a cohort with other new graduates and learn about hospital policies, safety, and more.

Some of the top hospitals in Oklahoma include:

If you’re interested in relocating after school, you might consider areas where you have a better chance of earning more as a nurse. Check out RN roles in Oklahoma’s largest cities by population:

If you’re seeking other ways to make more income, check out the highest-paying nursing jobs in 2025:

Step 5: Keep Your License Up to Date

It’s your job to track your licensure renewal dates and keep your RN credentials active. Learn more about renewing your Oklahoma nursing license.

Fresh Roles for RNs in OK

Now that you know how to become an RN in Oklahoma, why not check out roles for nurses in your area? IntelyCare’s personalized job notifications let you know when opportunities open up. Learn more today.