15 Fun Facts About Nurses

Image of professional woman smiling at camera
Written by Ann Real, BSN, RN Content Writer, IntelyCare
A group of nurses discusses fun facts about nurses.

When you hear the word “nurse,” you probably picture someone in scrubs, juggling medications, and powering through long shifts with a smile. But there’s way more to nursing than just charting and administering medications. From jaw-dropping history to quirky daily routines, the world of nursing is packed with surprising details that most people don’t know.

In this article, we’ll dive into 15 fun facts about nurses that prove there’s much more to the profession than you might imagine.

Fun Facts About Nurses: Sneak Peek

Before we dive into the fun facts about nursing, let’s take a look at some numbers — because numbers, unlike opinions, give an objective perspective. Here are some interesting nursing facts and statistics:

  1. High demand: Employment for registered nurses is projected to grow by 6% in the next decade, which is faster than average for all jobs.
  2. Workforce diversity: About 20% of registered nurses in the U.S. are from racial or ethnic minority groups.
  3. Work hours: Although nurses often work night shifts, weekends, and holidays, they may enjoy a 3-day workweek, leaving them with 4 days off each week.
  4. Economic contribution: Foreign-educated nurses contribute over $46 billion annually to the U.S. economy.
  5. Global impact: There are over 30 million nurses and midwives worldwide, highlighting their key role in global healthcare systems.

What Are Some Fun Facts About Nurses?

1. Nurses Can Have a Quirky Sense of Humor

In the world of nursing, there’s no shortage of scenarios you can come across at work — from life-or-death emergencies to patients fuming over their overcooked spaghetti. To manage their stress levels, nurses often turn to the best medicine: laughter.

Humor helps diffuse tense situations, ease anxiety, and build rapport with patients. So, it’s no surprise that nurses often find something funny in the toughest situations. For example, during a challenging IV insertion, a nurse might say, “Looks like this vein is playing hide-and-seek!” This light-hearted comment can lift the mood of both the patient and the nurse.

Quote from a nurse:

“I noticed in my clinical practice that many nurses develop a great sense of humor when it comes to their work. Maybe it’s a coping mechanism or just a way to lighten the shift up, but the nurses I used to work with could have great laughs on shift.” Marie, RN, BSN.

2. Nurses Are Often Unrecognizable Outside of Work

Here’s another fun nurse fact: Patients often don’t recognize nurses when they’re off duty. During work hours, nurses dress in scrubs, hide their tattoos, and remove flashy nail polish to maintain a professional image patients expect to see. Yet, outside of work, nurses reveal a different side — creative, fashionable, and extraordinary — that you only get to see when they’re off the clock.

Quote from a nurse:

“I try to look as unremarkable as I can when I go to work. I tie my hair back, put on giant glasses, and wear oversized scrubs to ensure patients in my unit don’t hit on me.” Adriana, RN, BSN.

3. Nurses Are Very Serious About Cleaning

Cleanliness is one of the first lessons every nurse learns in nursing school. In fact, forgetting to sanitize your hands during a practical exam is a surefire way to fail it. Nurses quickly learn that cleanliness is vital for saving lives and having good grades.

As a result, nurses often carry scented sanitizers, antibacterial creams, and phone wipes — you name it, they have it. This is one of the most well-known fun facts about nurses. They might wash their hands every 30 minutes and clean every surface they come in close contact with, all thanks to Florence Nightingale and her emphasis on the critical role of hygiene in care.

Quote from a nurse:

“Nurses often become obsessed with cleaning; specifically wiping down keys, phones, ID badges, shoes, stethoscopes, and more throughout their shifts. I honestly think my phone was much cleaner while I was working in the hospital because I was bleaching it every day.” Marie, RN, BSN.

4. Nurses Can Have Unique Personality Traits

To understand nurse personalities better, scientists surveyed 1,397 nursing students with multiple questionnaires. They identified three main personality types:

  • Ordinary (53.8%): Most fall into the “normies” category with no uncommon traits.
  • Over-sensitivity (35.4%): Many nurses are highly sensitive to their surroundings.
  • Flexibility (10.8%): Many nurses are highly adaptable and resilient.

This means almost half of nurses are either incredibly sensitive or remarkably resilient, creating a dynamic and effective team.

5. Nurses Might Have Unusual Hobbies

You might be wondering, what are some fun facts about nurses outside work? What happens when you work in a high-stress, high-adrenaline field? You might end up craving more of it during your downtime. For nurses who thrive in intense settings like surgical care, their hobbies can be just as extreme — think: rock climbing, kite-surfing, skiing, or running marathons.

Other nurses might pick relaxing hobbies to ease the stress at home, like painting, writing, singing, or dancing. Since nursing is both an art and a science, many nurses have a creative side.

6. Nurses Can Be Great Partners

Nursing teaches some amazing soft skills, like active listening, compassionate care, and creative problem-solving. Nurses excel at supporting others through tough times, easing tense situations, and coming up with fresh, out-of-the-box solutions when life throws a curveball. Because of these qualities, dating a nurse is a one-of-a-kind experience.

7. Nurses Love Shopping

Want more fun facts about nurses? They can have a serious shopping streak, especially when it comes to nursing supplies — whether it’s the trendiest scrubs, the most efficient clipboards, or the newest shoes.

Finding trendy nursing accessories isn’t just a hobby; it’s a quest to find something to make their demanding shifts a little more stylish and a lot more manageable. Plus, their shopping trips might involve picking up thoughtful gifts for colleagues or finding the perfect self-care items to unwind after a busy day. Although this one might not be the most wallet-friendly of the fun facts about nurses, it’s sure to bring a smile to their faces.

Quote from a nurse:

“I love buying matching outfits with my coworkers. I love the days when my team and I wear fun scrubs together, or when we all agree to wear similar shirts.” — Andrea, LPN

8. Nurses Are Foodies

You might think nurses are all about health and wellness, munching on lettuce and sipping kale juice, but that’s not always the case. Many nurses are actually big fans of on-the-go snacks and large caffeinated drinks. With nurses’ busy shifts and hectic schedules, grabbing a quick bite is a common way to keep their energy up. So, don’t be surprised if your nurse is up to date on the latest flavors of supermarket snacks.

Quote from a nurse:

“Sharing cultural foods is something I enjoy doing with nurses that have different ethnic backgrounds.” Andrea, LPN

9.Nurses Are Empaths

Nurses are true empaths, sensing the emotions and energies around them. It’s almost like they have a sixth sense for emotions — whether it’s a patient’s pain, fear, or worry, nurses pick up on it immediately. Although this is one of the fun facts about nurses that doesn’t always feel fun, it’s helpful when working with patients. When you’re feeling down, a nurse isn’t just going to ask how you’re doing — they’ll know, and they’ll be right there to offer the right kind of comfort at the right moment.

Interestingly, empathy levels differ by specialty. Studies show that you can find some of the most empathetic nurses in the following specialties:

10. Nurses Can Read You

What about lesser-known fun facts about nursing? They can totally read you! From your body language and facial expressions to your lab results, they’ve got it all covered. Thanks to their training in therapeutic communication, nurses are pros at picking up on emotions, even when you’re trying to hide them. So, if you think you can mask how you’re really feeling — think again. Many nurses have a high emotional intelligence (EQ) that helps them spot what others might miss.

11. Nurses Love Going Out

As natural team players, nurses enjoy spending time with their colleagues outside of work, too. Whether it’s grabbing a bite after a long shift or going to a concert together, nurses know how to bond and unwind with their teams.

Quote from a nurse:

“I love going out with my coworkers and doing something fun together, whether it’s bowling or heading to a park for a barbecue.” — Andrea, LPN

12. Nurses Might Not Work at the Bedside

While many people picture nurses caring for patients in hospitals, nurses can work in a variety of settings, including:

Nurses might even work from home or in the information technology (IT) sector, helping develop new medical tools and processes. So, if you think nurses are only about direct patient care, think again.

13. Nurses Can Travel to Space

Space nursing offers a chance to take nursing careers to new heights, all thanks to Dee O’Hara — a pioneering figure in nursing history known for being the first nurse to work with astronauts in space programs. She began her career as a nurse in the early 1960s and was recruited by NASA in 1965 to join the team that supported the medical needs of astronauts.

It’s not the most well-known of all nursing history facts, but O’Hara opened doors for nurses dreaming of space adventures. So if you’ve ever wished for a career that’s out of this world, space nursing is where to go!

14. Nurses Can Earn 6 Figures

Many nurses can reach impressive pay levels as they gain experience and specialize in high-demand fields. Advanced practice roles, such as nurse anesthetists or nurse practitioners, can command top salaries, with some positions offering six-figure incomes. Additionally, travel nurses and strike nurses also have the potential to make a high salary.

15. Nurses Have Some Amazing Stories

Want more fun facts about registered nurses? They might be the center of any conversation. They have the most amazing stories, and it’s no surprise. They experience everything from life-changing patient recoveries to dramatic moments of heroism that you wouldn’t believe if you didn’t hear them firsthand. Nurses have a knack for turning their daily adventures into unforgettable tales.

Want to Find Your Next Nursing Job?

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